

Specific Sensory-Based Descriptions - NLP Matters, Episode #025


The NLP technique of Well-Formedness Conditions adds the final layer to the journey of Building Our Successful Life by ensuring that our goals are robust and ready to go. 

When we apply the Well-Formedness Conditions to our goal, we are doing our final check to confirm both the absolute alignment and resilience of our goals. We have so far looked closely at the first two steps - stating our goal in the positive and having the goal self-initiated and self-maintained. The next step is all abo…

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Positive, Self-Initiated, and Self-Maintained Goals - NLP Matters, Episode #024


In the previous episode, we introduced the NLP technique called the Well-Formedness Conditions, which adds the final layer to the journey of Building our Successful Life by ensuring our goals are robust and ready to go.

The theme of this first NLP Matters podcast series is to support us in working our way through the process of really building the life we want to have, our own version of a successful life. As we work through this process layer by layer, we gain even more clarity on what it …

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